Services Offered
Boundary Retracement
Boundary retracement is performed to illustrate existing property lines of a current parcel. It’s beneficial to have a retracement survey performed when construction of any improvements on a parcel is going to be done to make sure it is being completed on the owned property and help prevent potential disputes. This requires finding any existing monuments and setting new monuments that are lost. Clients can request lines to be marked with wooden stakes at any noted interval. A survey map will be produced showing any relevant details discovered during the survey. The legal description on older parcels may not meet current county/state requirements, so it is beneficial to get a new one written during a retracement survey.
Consolidation Surveys
Consolidation surveys take existing parcels and combine them into one continuous tract of land. Many homeowners acquire multiple parcels over the course of owning real estate. Combining all the parcels into one can allow the landowner to build improvements over existing parcel lines. Municipalities have different requirements for consolidation surveys and ECH will work with them to get the approvals needed. A legal description and map of consolidation will be provided for filing. Staking out of the property lines can also easily be done at the completion of a consolidation survey.
Along with consolidation and subdivision surveys, ECH can provide plat and replatting surveys to reconfigure existing real estate. Plats are used to create multiple lots from an existing parcel. Replats can take existing platted lots and combine them into one lot. In both instances, careful planning with a client’s respective township/county planning commission is required for the approval process.
Subdivision Surveys
Subdivision surveys take an existing parcel and create a new tract of land from the existing parcel. If a landowner wants to sell a portion of their parcel, they can request a subdivision survey. There are many requirements for a subdivision to be approved by a municipality and ECH will work to make conforming lots. Legal descriptions and a map of subdivision will be provided for filing. Staking out of the property lines can also easily be done at the completion of a subdivision survey.